Who We Are

Vestiges of Christianity is a news blog maintained under the direction of Bishop Bryan D. Ouellette, Ph.D., SOSM. Our goal is to reconcile ancient Christian theology with contemporary orthodox Christian practices and understandings. Our praxis carries with it a strong eastern liturgical focus while maintaining a freedom of spirituality that is true to ancient Christian ideology. We welcome anyone who desires to discover gnosis through the expression of early Christianity. We use the word "gnosis" with the intention to reflect its original meaning of soteriological knowledge, mystical wisdom and spiritual realization. While we encourage a working philosophical comprehension of Classical Gnosticism from antiquity, we are not a Gnostic or reconstructionist church. Our theology is orthodox, our approach, furthermore, is mystically liberating.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Greater Atlanta Esoteric Christian Community

For nearly 2,000 years, Christians (originally called ‘Followers of the Way’) have struggled to integrate the mysteries of the Christian faith into both their daily lives and their spiritual traditions. While many have assembled various institutions of Christianity in order to facilitate a cohesive environment for the protection of "truth", the mysteries themselves have eroded into dogmatism and rigidity. The Greater Atlanta Esoteric Christian Community was founded to resurrect the original spirit of these 'Followers of the Way' and also to support an open, non-dogmatic Christian diversity that explores the very heart of spirituality itself. Ours is a mission of philosophical, theological, and mystical diversity. While we give precedence to the canonical scriptures and traditional writings of the Church Fathers, we openly explore the theologies of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, the Gnostics, the Ebionites, the Marcionites, the Naasseenes , the Taoist Christians, as well as many other Christian and non-Christian paths including Buddhism. Because we serve also as an independent Catholic Church with valid apostolic succession, members of our group will have optional access to the seven sacraments, including liturgical events and prayer groups in additional to the primary study group. We invite anyone with a sincere desire to deepen one’s own faith, while also risking a direct experience with God, to join. One need not be a traditional Christian or even a Christian. All that is necessary is a willingness to explore.

Join now: The Greater Atlanta Esoteric Christian Community

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nicholean Catholicism Part 4

Listen to internet radio with Vestiges of Christianity on Blog Talk Radio

Tonight, the focus is on abortion and euthanasia. Bishop Bryan Ouellette will further elaborate on how the Nicholean tradition approaches these sensitive issues.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Nicholean Catholicism Part 3

Listen to internet radio with Vestiges of Christianity on Blog Talk Radio

Bishop Bryan Ouellette continues with part 3 of Nicholean Catholicism, finishing up last night's discussion on homosexual marriage, then moving on to the topics of open communion, and abortion.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nicholean Catholicism Part 2

Listen to internet radio with Vestiges of Christianity on Blog Talk Radio

Tonight, Bishop Bryan Ouellette continues with the Nicholean Catholicism series begun last night. This episode's topics include extracanonical scripture, homosexuality, and the Sacrament of Marriage.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nicholean Catholicism Series Part 1

Listen to internet radio with Vestiges of Christianity on Blog Talk Radio

Tonight, Bishop Bryan D. Ouellette discusses how Nicholean Catholicism differs from Roman Catholicism. In this series, he will illustrate in detail each and every component of the primary differences between both systems, using each as a theological and spiritual lesson.

Friday, February 10, 2012

You shall have no other gods before Me

Listen to internet radio with Vestiges of Christianity on Blog Talk Radio

Is God really a jealous God? Is salvation something attainable only through a confession of faith in Jesus Christ? Is the God of the Old Testament different from the Father of Jesus? These are just some of the issues Bishop Bryan Ouellette will cover tonight on Vestiges of Christianity. We hope to see you then!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome to the new Vestiges of Christianity Radio Show!

Listen to internet radio with Vestiges of Christianity on Blog Talk Radio

Tonight, Bishop Bryan D. Ouellette, Ph.D. speaks about the new outreach ministry radio show for the Holy Nicholean Catholic Church including new insights into future ministry programs. What is Vestiges of Christianity? What is the Holy Nicholean Catholic Church? What is esoteric Christianity and how does it relate to Epignosis? Find out on Vestiges of Christianity.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Update: Inter-spirituality Center

We are currently working extremely hard to bring to you the long-awaited establishment of the physical monastery, retreat and inter-spirituality center. This complex will be a religious foundation promoting the contemplative life for people of all classifications and religions. All will be welcome. While it will be operated by the Christian monks of the Nicholean Catholic and Russian Orthodox traditions, dogmatism will not be permitted on its grounds. In many ways, our hope for this center is that it will become the new "Library of Alexandria". We envision a place where various and diversified philosophies, religions, traditions, spiritual practices, and world-views will come together to share wisdom, teach, learn, practice and grow.

The initial emphasis will be on monastic, liturgical, and esoteric Christianity, as well as Buddhism, but we hope to one day support an infrastructure for Sufism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Kabbalah, as well as many other venerable spiritual explorations.

We need your help in these final stages to make this a complete reality! If you would like to join us in this effort or would like to offer us your generous donation in support of this work, please contact us at office@nicholean.org or leave us a voice message at 207-370-9077.

The world needs your participation. Peace is not an automatic process. It requires tremendous efforts and it is remarkably expensive to produce lasting results. Resources are always limited, but this work must succeed regardless. Please remember us in your charitable efforts. Please help us to make a difference.