As of October 12, 2015, the Holy Nicholean Catholic Church has resumed taking applications for Holy Orders. Vocations to priesthood, including all minor and major orders will be granted by direct invitation of Patriarch Nicholas III himself. Under general circumstances, candidates will be hand selected from active members of the local congregation in the Atlanta, Georgia area or through qualified applicants who intend to serve our outreach ministries in Atlanta, Georgia. In order to secure against the frequent and relentless abuses found within the Independent Sacramental Movement, all candidates will be required to complete a free private seminary/mentor-ship program lasting several years before approval for ordination to the priesthood is granted. So as to assure the protection of our Sacred tradition and the integrity of the mysteries under our care, there will be no exceptions to this policy.
If you are an individual who feels strongly that God is calling you to become a Nicholean Catholic religious or priest AND you are prepared to serve the people of Atlanta, you may make a formal request to be considered for our seminary program that may lead up to priesthood by filling out the confidential online application below. This also applies to currently ordained ministers who would like to incardinate into our Church so as to serve the people of Atlanta, Georgia.