Who We Are

Vestiges of Christianity is a news blog maintained under the direction of Bishop Bryan D. Ouellette, Ph.D., SOSM. Our goal is to reconcile ancient Christian theology with contemporary orthodox Christian practices and understandings. Our praxis carries with it a strong eastern liturgical focus while maintaining a freedom of spirituality that is true to ancient Christian ideology. We welcome anyone who desires to discover gnosis through the expression of early Christianity. We use the word "gnosis" with the intention to reflect its original meaning of soteriological knowledge, mystical wisdom and spiritual realization. While we encourage a working philosophical comprehension of Classical Gnosticism from antiquity, we are not a Gnostic or reconstructionist church. Our theology is orthodox, our approach, furthermore, is mystically liberating.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Formal Position on Extracanonical Scriptures

Like the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy Nicholean Catholic Church affirms that the canonical scriptures produce the only authoritative written source for theological doctrine; however, our tradition derives philosophical inspiration through the careful reflection of other sources. While we consider only canonical scripture to be appropriate for liturgical ceremony, the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of both the Old and New Testament periods form a more complete vision of early Christian diversity. Additionally, the Nag Hammadi library increases our spiritual wealth in the form of mystical truth and reality. Again, while we do not recognize these extracanonical sources to be authoritative within the context of our own theology, we refuse to recognize them as heretical. Early Christianity was an extremely diversified religious experience. As such, we intend to preserve this spirit within the rich mystical tradition of our church.